About Us

Digital marketing solutions designed to generate revenue for your business

Vivoid, established in 2024 as an entity of Envirah Tech, is dedicated to advancing digital solutions. Envirah Tech, formed five years ago. Vivoid specializes in automation, digital expertise, and AI. Our commitment extends globally, catering to both major brands and niche businesses. Join us as we pioneer the next era of digital innovation and redefine the landscape of automated, AI-driven solutions.”

Our values


No smoke and mirrors, just a commitment to genuine interactions with all our clients. We believe in clear communication,


honesty and integrity are at the forefront of our values. We prioritize building relationships grounded in trust, understanding that trust is earned through the consistent upholding of our uncompromising standards.


we hold the belief that expertise shouldn't be synonymous with complexity. Our approach is straightforward, and we consistently strive to simplify what may seem intricate.


In the realm of digital marketing, data is a given. However, at Vivoid, we go beyond merely accessing reports on metrics. We are committed to ensuring that each campaign we undertake translates into tangible business growth.

marketing solutions provider

Rethink__ How your Brand makes people

With years of experience, we’ve gleaned that each marketing channel possesses unique advantages, but true success emerges when they are strategically combined. At Vivoid, we offer full-service strategies that harness a comprehensive mix of digital channels to elevate visibility, drive conversions, and ultimately boost revenue for our clients.

Our Clients


Meet the Numerique revenue revolutionaries

Credentials & recognition:


What our happy customers are saying

5000+ Client reviews